Products & Services
Equity Atlanta Collaborative offers technical assistance and lending resources for important projects such as building affordable housing, health and education facilities, opening retail centers, and supporting mainstreet businesses in key neighborhoods.
Equity Atlanta Collaborative resources are available to nonprofit and forprofit businesses and developers in Metro Atlanta, with a special focus on:
• Neighborhood Planning Unit V communities of Mechanicsville, Capitol Gateway, Summerhill, Peoplestown, Pittsburgh, and Adair Park
• Atlanta Westside neighborhoods
• Gwinnett County
Technical assistance: Low-cost technical assistance to prospective borrowers who are low capacity and in need of additional assistance
before having their projects funded. Services available:
• Determining the financial feasibility of borrower projects or businesses
• Identifying additional capital sources
• Business plan development
• Software training
Loans: Capital available for predevelopment, acquisition, construction, bridge and New Markets Tax Credit financing for the following asset types:
• Affordable housing
• Small business
• Education--early learning through higher education
• Healthy food access
• Health care
About the Partners
Equity Atlanta Collaborative is an effort to promote equitable, mixed income communities and rebuild residential and commercial markets in low income urban and suburban neighborhoods across the Atlanta metro through complementary investments in high-quality, affordable housing and local businesses. The collaborative is a partnership of the Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership, Inc. (ANDP), Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs (ACE) and Reinvestment Fund, and is supported by JPMorgan Chase through its PRO Neighborhoods initiative. PRO Neighborhoods is a $125 million, five-year, JPMorgan Chase initiative to support distressed neighborhoods across the U.S. through partnership, collaboration, innovative financing strategies and investments in affordable housing.
Access to Capital for Entrepreneurs (ACE)
ACE grows small businesses. We are a Georgia non-profit organization that provides capital, coaching, and connections to help our borrowers create and grow sustainable businesses which generate jobs. We serve small businesses in Georgia, with a focus on women, people of color, low-to-moderate income business owners, larger businesses and community facilities that create jobs. Since 2000, ACE has made more than $45 million in loans and created or retained more than 6,700 jobs. ACE also has a Women’s Business Center that empowers women, minorities, and low-to-moderate income entrepreneurs through financial education and training.
Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership, Inc. (ANDP)
Established in 1991, ANDP’s mission is to promote, create, and preserve mixed-income communities that result in the equitable distribution of affordable housing throughout the metropolitan Atlanta region. ANDP’s subsidiary, and certified CDFI, the ANDP Loan Fund, provides capital for developers of affordable and mixed-income housing across metro Atlanta. As a part of the Equity ATL Collaborative, ANDP provides capital for affordable housing and community development. ANDP is a member of the NeighborWorks Network.
Reinvestment Fund
Reinvestment Fund is a national mission-driven financial institution that creates opportunity for underserved people and places through partnerships. We marshal the capital, analytics, and expertise necessary to build strong, healthy, and more equitable communities. As a part of the Equity ATL Collaborative, Reinvestment Fund provides capital for community development, including educational facilities, healthy food access projects and commercial real estate.